Diploma of Business/Leadership & Management
Click on one of the following to link to the unit details:
Advanced Diploma of Leadership & Management
Click on one of the following to link to the unit details:
Provide Leadership Across The Organisation (Core)
Lead & Manage Organisational Change(Core )
Develop & Implement A Business Plan (Core)
Develop & Implement Strategic Plans
Develop A Marketing Plan
Manage Risk
Develop & Implement Diversity Policy
Manage Human Resource Strategic Planning
Manage Innovation & Continuous Improvement
Identify & Implement Business Innovation
Manage Finances (Core)
Contribute To Organisational Development
Certificate IV Business/Leadership & Management
Click on one of the following to link to the unit details:
Undertake Project WorkPromote Products & ServicesAddress Customer NeedsMake a PresentationPromote Innovation in a Team EnvironmentCoordinate Implementation of Customer Service StrategiesImplement Customer Service StandardsDevelop Teams & IndividualsWrite Complex DocumentsImplement & Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures, Programs To Meet Legislation (Core Bus)Lead Team Effectiveness (Core L&M)Communicate Effectively As A Workplace Leader (Core L&M)Implement Continuous ImprovementImplement Operational Plan (Core L&M)Lead Effective Workplace Relationships (Core L&M)
Develop Work Priorities
BSBWOR404: Develop Work Priorities
Purpose: To effectively plan & complete your own work schedule & monitor and obtain feedback on own work performance and access learning opportunities for professional development.
Key Learning Outcomes:To plan & complete own work schedule.To monitor own work performance.Co-ordinate professional development.
BSBLDR402: Lead Effective Workplace Relationships
Purpose: To use leadership skills to promote and build team cohesion.
Key Learning Outcomes:Understand what information is crucial & how to obtain it.Build Trust & Confidence in Leadership - critical to success.Take the lead in key issues such as dispute resolution.
NLogic Key Leadership Principles (Click to Download)
Task 1: Meeting Agenda Template
Task 1: Meeting Minutes Template
BSBMGT402 Implement Operational Plan
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to implement an operational plan.
Key Learning Outcomes:Understand the vision of the business and ensure operational plans aligns well.Understand labour, equipment & material resource requirements & develop a detailed action plan.Identify the required resource, plan and fulfill the need.Monitor the performance & undertake improvements.
Task 1: Action Plan - Template
Task 1: KPIs & Scorecard - Template
Task 1: Contingency Plan - Template
Task 2: Interview Guide & Questions
Task 2: Interview & Induction Action Plan - Template
Task 2: Procurement Action Plan - Template
Task 3: Coaching Session Plan - Template
BSBMGT403 Implement Continuous Improvement
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to implement continuous improvement systems & processes.
Key Learning Outcomes:Implement Continuous Improvement Systems & Processes.Monitor & Review Performance.Provide Opportunities For Further Improvement.
Meeting Agenda - Template
Task 2: Mentoring Coaching Session Plan - Notes
Meeting Minutes - Template
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to plan and supervise the performance of the team and develop team cohesion.
Key Learning Outcomes:Plan To Achieve Team Outcomes: Ensure team understands the purpose, roles & responsibilities and innovation & productivity are included as part of the team process.Lead Team To Develop Cohesion: Encourage to ensure all member input, feedback, and lead team to take on assigned responsibilities. Outline expected behaviors & lead for proper & consistent adoption.Participate In & Facilitate Work Team: Be an active player as a role model & encourage input by all to ensure desired outcome.Liaise With Management: Ensure appropriate lines of communication are maintain with relevant management.
BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively As A Workplace Leader
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to communicate effectively as a workplace leader including, understanding the context, choosing methods of communication to suit the audience, and following up.
Key Learning Outcomes:Identify Context For Communication: Identify the 'environment' for communication - audience characteristics, location, outcomes, policies & procedures, barriers to communication, etc.Clarify Message & Engage Communication: Implement the communication plan, clarify the message, seek feedback, clarify & confirm, etc.Take Follow-Up Actions: Follow up on decisions and outcomes. Seek improvement.
BSBHRM501 Manage Human Resource Services
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to plan, manage & evaluate delivery of human resource services whilst integrating business ethics.
Key Learning Outcomes:Determine Strategies for Delivery of HR Services: Determine the process and actions you will take to delivery appropriate HR services.Manage the Delivery of HR Services: The management methods/techniques you will use for best practice delivery of all HR services.Evaluate HR Service Delivery: The actions you will take to gather information, analyse & improve on the delivery of HR services.Manage Integration of Business Ethics in HR Practices: Ensure at all levels of HR Service delivery, appropriate business ethics are maintained.
Task 1: JKL HR Needs & Recommendations Report - Template
Task 2: Presentation Guideline on Topics
Task 2: Action Plan for 2 Strategies - Template
Task 3: Survey Results
BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Priorities & Professional Development
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to create systems & processes to organise inormation & prioritise tasks.
Key Learning Outcomes:Establish Personal Work Goals: Be a positive role, set a good example via your personal work planning.Set & Meet Own Work Priorities: Prioritise & meet your personal work and the business goals whilst maintaining appropriate work/life balance.Develop & Maintain Professional Competence: Always seek to improve & satisfy any gaps. Actively seek feedback.
Task 1: Position Guide - Sample
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to manage planning in relation to an organisation's workforce including researching requirements, developing obkectives & strategies, implementing initiatives & monitoring & evaluating trends.
Key Learning Outcomes:Research Workforce Requirements: Critically important a business manager understands internal workforce statistics & the external environment via such tools as a PEST analysis.Develop Workforce Objectives & Strategies: Know the business goals & develop the workforce objectives and strategies to align with these goals. These should address recruitment options, retention of key personnel, int/ext options on skilled labour, inclusion of diversity, succession planning, etc.Implement Initiatives To Support Workforce Planning Objectives: Implement workforce strategies, always ensuring alignment to business goals.Monitor & Evaluate Workforce Trends: Critically important to closely monitor trends & government policy. Monitor progress against objectives.
Task 1: Workforce Planning Report - Template
Task 2: Staff Action Plan Template
Task 2: Presentation Guideline
Task 3: Workforce Evaluation Report - Template
Task 3: Organisational Climate Survey - Results
BSBMKG401 Write Complex Documents
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge required to plan documents, draft text, prepare final text & produce documents pf some complexity.
Key Learning Outcomes:Plan Documents: Use the PAMS model to plan your document. Purpose, Audience, Message & Style/Structure are important questions to answers.Draft Text: The thinking & planning is done, now, with confidence, let go & just start writing/keying.Prepare Final Text & Product Document: Review your draft & put in the finishing touches.
Task 1: Plan Social Media Article/Blog
BSBWHS401 Implement & Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures & Programs To Meet Legislation
Purpose: To acquire the skills & knowledge to implement & monitor company's WHS policies & procedures to meet the relevant legislation.
Key Learning Outcomes:Communicate to Work Team about WHS: Why consultation is a must in reference to matters of WHS.Implement & Monitor Participation Arrangements for Managing WHS: Methods on ensuring relevant personnel participate in all matters concerning WHS.Implement & Monitor Organisational Procedures for Providing WHS Training: Simple effective procedures and training are critical to ensure proper application.Implement & Monitor Organisational Procedures & Legal Requirements for Identifying Hazards & Controlling Risks: The WHS Act, Regulations & Codes of Practice must be properly embedded within the organisation's WHS Policies & Procedures.Implement & Monitor Organisational Procedures for Maintaining WHS Records for The Team: The WHS Act requires that proper records are manitained. Very important for reference and corrective actions.
Task 1: SOP Template
BSBADM502 Manage Meetings
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge required to manage a range of meetings overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes & reporting meeting outcomes.
Key Learning Outcomes:Prepare for Meetings: Methodology to ensure all relevant issues are covered to allow for a productive meeting.Conduct Meetings: Understanding the importance and skills to chair & minute a productive meeting.Follow up Meetings: The timely distribution of accurate minutes & ensure proper action of all agreed decisions.
BSBRSK501 Manage Risk
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge required to manage risks in a range of contexts across an organisation.
Key Learning Outcomes:Establish Risk Context: Understand the context under which risks may exist - use PEST, SWOT to assist to determine the risk context.Identify Risks: Consult widely and research and identify risks that may apply to your organisationAnalyse Risks: Determine Likelihood and Consequence and use Risk Matrix to determine initial and final/residual risk level.Select, Implement & Monitor Actions: In consulation, determine actions and controls to eliminate or reduce risk. Implement actions and monitor to evaluate progress and improvements.
Task 1: Risk Review Report-Template
Task 2: Risk Treatment Report-Template
PP - Risk Matrix
Task 2: Risk Analysis - Action Plan Report-Template
Task 3: Risk Monitoring Report-Template
BSBLED401 Develop Teams & Individuals
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge required to determine individual & team development needs & faciliate their development.
Key Learning Outcomes:Determine Development Needs: What are the goals of the business & your employees? What is the development needs to achieve these goals?Develop Individuals & Teams: Develop the development plan - individuals & teams - and make it happen.Monitor & Evaluate Workplace Learning: Apply continuous improvement philisophy to the ongoing of te individual and teams.
Task 1: Script Format Self-Evaluation Meeting
Task 2: Part C - Training Strategy Template
BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge required to contribute to quality customer service standards within an organisation.
Key Learning Outcomes:Contribute To Quality Customer Service - understand the importance of great customer service - using RATER Model.Implement Customer Service Standards - how to put in place great customer service standards.Implement Team Customer Service Standards - the importance of involving the team in uniform approach to great customer service standards.
Task 1: Customer Service Improvement Recommendations Report
Task 1: Improvement Implementation Plan Template
BSBMKG502 Establish & Adjust The Marketing Mix
Purpose: To acquire the skills & knowledge required to determine the optimum marketing mix for a business throughanalysis of interrelated marketing components.
Key Learning Outcomes:Evaluate Each Component of The Marketing Mix - a successful marketing campaign depends on an understanding of each component.Determine Marketing Mix for Specific Markets - different markets require different approaches & therefore differences in the marketing mix.Monitor & Adjust Marketing Mix - monitor, review and make adjustments to the main components of your marketing mix.
Task 1: Marketing Mix Report - Template
Task 2: Performance of Marketing Mix - Template
BSBMKG413 Promote Products & Services
Purpose: To acquire the skills & knowledge required to coordinate & review the promotion of an organisation's products & services.
Key Learning Outcomes:Plan Promotional Activities - planning is critical to the success of your campaign. A Marketing Plan is a must.Coordinate Promotional Activities - success will depend on how well the campaign and its activities are project managed.Review & Report on Promotional Activities - monitor, evaluate & report. A necessary first step to Continuous improvement.
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work
Purpose: To acquire the skills & knowledge to undertake a straightforward project or a section of a larger project.
Key Learning Outcomes:What Defines a Project - a unique, complex, dynamic, costly & lengthy job where quality, on-time delivery, budget, WHS&E are key outcomes.How to Develop a Project Plan - proper planning is critical to the success of any projectHow to Administer & Monitor a Project - critical phase of any project to ensure it remains on trackFinalising a Project - close-off ensuring all deliverables are completed as per requirementReview & Evaluating a Project - continuous imrpovement a key outcome of this element.
Task 1: Project Plan - WBS and Gantt Chart
Task 1: Project Meeting Minutes - Template
Task 2: Project Progress Meeting Minutes - Template
Task 1: Team Members Costs
Task 2: Risk & Change Request Scenarios
Task 2: Deliverables Status report - Template
BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, Selection & Induction Processes
Purpose: Acquire the skills and knowledge to manage all aspects of recruitment, selection and induction processes in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.
Develop Recruitment, Selection & Induction PoliciesRecruit & Select StaffManage Staff Induction
Key Learning Outcomes:Good employees are hard to find. In Australia, great employees exist but demand far outstrips supply. To be at the top level of your industry, your business needs to have the best people. This unit of learning will help you find the best people and then keep them.
Plan well and dedicate time to recruit and select the best employees. Too many businesses take short cuts which typically leads to the wrong person for the role. Develop an effective process, plan well and be deligient in the delivery of this plan a with the aim of recruiting and selecting well.
Well planned and executed induction is critical to successful employees and the business. Typically, many businesses abide by the principle of "jump in head first and learn to swim" - an ineffective method on so many levels. Employees will be disheartened, not a good first image for the business, ramp-up to full productivity takes much longer, potential WHS issues, loss of great new employee and lasting damage to the business. It's crtically important that the induction process is well thought out and consistently executed to avoid any of previous issues and help the employee and business acheive success.
Plan well and dedicate time to recruit and select the best employees. Too many businesses take short cuts which typically leads to the wrong person for the role. Develop an effective process, plan well and be deligient in the delivery of this plan a with the aim of recruiting and selecting well.
Well planned and executed induction is critical to successful employees and the business. Typically, many businesses abide by the principle of "jump in head first and learn to swim" - an ineffective method on so many levels. Employees will be disheartened, not a good first image for the business, ramp-up to full productivity takes much longer, potential WHS issues, loss of great new employee and lasting damage to the business. It's crtically important that the induction process is well thought out and consistently executed to avoid any of previous issues and help the employee and business acheive success.
Task 1: Communication Plan - Sample Template
Task 2: Sample HR Staffing Plan
Task 2: Training Plan Template
Task 3: Induction Policy & Procedure Template
Task 1: Training Evaluation Form - Sample Template
Task 2: Action Plan Template
Task 2: Sample Ad Template
BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation
Purpose: Acquire the skills and knowledge to prepare, deliver and review a great presentation to a target audience....and ....no! Our drunken party friend with the megaphone? That is not the way to do it.....!!
Prepare a great presentationDeliver a great presentationReview your great presentation to be greater ...... next time!
Key Learning Outcomes:
Know your material - have passion and purpose.Know your audience - what value do you want to transfer to them? Prepare, prepare, prepare...well in advance. Always, put your hand-up for every opportunity to speak in front of a group. Experience = confidence = improvement. Public speaking ....... a very valuable life skill. A great communicator may not be a great leader. But a great leader must be a great communicator.
BSBCUS402 Address Customer Needs
Purpose: Acquire the skills & knowledge required to ask the right questions, build trust and address the real needs of your customers.
Assist the customer to articulate/communicate their needs.Satisfy Complex Customer NeedsManage your networks and your communication with your customer to ensure their needs are addressed
Key Learning Outcomes:
Plan your Consultation with your customer. Prepare a step-by-step process complete with open questions. Well planned open questions to access your customer's needs quickly and help build trust. Match your products and/or service to your customer needs. Undertake a Factoring Analysis to offer the best solution. A process of adding the weighted benefits of each of the customer needs and wants.
Task 1: Sample Customer Feedback Questionnaire
Task 1: Customer Profile - Role Play
Task 1: Sample Role Play Script
BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace Policy & Procedures For Sustainability
Purpose: Acquire the skills & knowledge to develop, implement and continuously improve a workplace sustainability policy.
Key Learning Outcomes:Develop Workplace Sustainability PolicyCommunicate Workplace Sustainability PolicyImplement Workplace Sustainability PolicyReview & Improve Workplace Sustainability Policy
Task 1: Three Policy Option Summary
Task 1: Interim Report - Template
Task 3: Sustainability Implementation Review Report - Template
Task 1: Sustainability Policy - Template
Task 2: Sample Sustainability Procedure - Template
BSBINN301 Promote Innovation In A Team Environment
Purpose: To acquire skills & knowledge to be an effective & proactive member of an innovative team.
Key Learning Outcomes:Create Opportunities To Maximise Innovation Within The TeamOrganise & Agree Effecive Ways Of WorkingSupport & Guide ColleaguesReflect On How The Team Is Working
Task 1: Team Goals - Template
Task 1: Team Members Strengths, Weaknesses & Responsibilities
Task 1: Budget - Template
Task 1: Ground Rules & Rewards - Template
Task 1: Team Innovation Schedule - Template
Task 2: Meeting Minutes - Template
Task 2: Guidelines for Role-Play To Support Innovation
BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies
Purpose: To acquire the skills & knowledge to advise, carry out and evaluate customer service strategies.
Key Learning Outcomes:Advise on Customer Service Needs - the critical first step!Support Implementation of Customer Service Strategies - your team needs the support. Without, it is doomed for failureEvaluate & Report on Customer Service - constant evaluation &continuous improvement is a must.
Task 4: Evaluate & Review Customer Service Report - Template
BSBMGT605 Leadership Across The Organisation
Purpose: To acquire the skills & knowledge to consistently apply senior leadership behaviour. This includes role-modelling professionalism & inspiring & motivating others to achieve organisational goals.
Key Learning Outcomes:Communicate Organisational Mission & Goals - consistently demonstrate the links to achieving long term success.Positively Influence Groups & Individuals - positive role-modelling to build trust, respect & confidence.Build & Support Teams - plan & action team & individual responsibilities, strategies & consistently communicate.
Demonstrate Personal & Professional Competence - apply consistent personal & professional development