Business Management Projects
Technical Projects
Tender Analysis & SubmissionEnvironmental ComplianceAsset Management System
Recruitment & Training Projects
Training on Policies & ProceduresWHS TrainingMentoring/Coaching - Management PromotionSales Strategies & Leadership Coaching
WHS&E Management System
Client: Barca Metals is a major player in the metal recycling industry. It offers a professional service for receiving domestic and industrial scrap metal. It processes and refines the metal into various categories and supplies local and overseas markets.Industry: Metal Recycling Industry
Objective: To develop & implement a simple but effective WHS&E Management System for cleint.
Benefit: Barca Metals had no WHS&E system in place which was current and simple to use. The existing system was quite onerous and overly complicated, had little relevance to their business and needed to be brought in line with current legislation. NLogic worked closely with the two directors and all personnel to develop a simple but effective system. As a result of closer consultation with employees, simple and effective policies and procedures the business is not only a healthier and safer workplace but also more productive and a lot more enjoyable place.
Organisational Improvement
Client: AllMetal Curving Specialist provide a specialised service in complex shapes, with the ability to transform almost any extrusion into a curved component. They've pioneered some of the brightest ideas in metal curving with high quality workmanship and excellent customer service.
Industry: ManufacturingObjective: To assist CEO with organisational improvements.Benefit: ACS has a highly skilled and experienced workforce. NLogic was called to assist the CEO with meeting the objectives of the Fair Work Act and the increasing workload of the business. This entailed working closely with the CEO, understanding the relevant positions of all personnel, interpreting the requirements of the Act and helping to formulate position guides, employment agreements, policies and procedures to help maintain a workplace which is content, consultative and productive.
Business Management System
Client: Barca Metals is a major player in the metal recycling industry. It offers a professional service for receiving domestic and industrial scrap metal. It then processes and refines the metal into various categories and supplies local and overseas markets.Industry: Metal Recycling IndustryObjective: To develop and implement a documented system complete with effective policies, processes and procedures with the overall aim to improve productivity.Benefit: Barca Metals has always operated as an efficient professional business however, was overly dependent on its directors to be present and play an active integral part of the daily routines. This documented system not only made each process more efficient but in the process allowed all employees to be self-directing and reduce their reliance on their immediate managers. The centre piece of the system is the Business Manual which captures Barca Metals' policies and procedures, electronically and in hard copy, readily accessible for easy reference by all personnel. This in turn provided the two directors to spend more time on the more critical business planning issues.
WHS Site-Specific Management Plan
Client: Austec Panel Installations manufacture and provide a turnkey solution on lightweight and strong insulated panelling system for many building applications including coolrooms, cleanrooms, food processing, laboratories, warehouses and many more.Industry: Commercial/Industrial ConstructionObjective: Develop a template for site-specific management plans. It had to be simple to use but effective to allow Austec and its sub-contractors to provide a healthy and safe workplace, comply with the WHS Act and meet builders' and end clients' site requirements.Benefit: It allowed Austec Project Manager's to utilise an effective template and adapt very quickly to each specific project. This saved time and satisfied the builder/end cleint's requirement. However, most important of all, it formed the foundation for a healthy and safe workplace.
Sales Strategies & Leadership Coaching
Client: Confidential. May be available on request. Globally, one of the largest multinational engineering & electronics organisations. Industry: Engineering, Hydraulics, Automotive, Electronics & Security.Objective: To assist in the accelerated development of a newly promoted senior manager involved in leading frontline customer service personnel to provide high quality service and help grow the business.Benefit: The NLogic coach work closely with the company and the individual to understand the role and the dynamics of the organisation. An IntrAcc weekly coaching program was developed which utilised NLogic's wide and varied collective experience, detailed methodologies and proven techniques to assist the individual develop specific strategies with her team. As part of this process, the program also involved coaching on leadership. The program was closely monitored and progressed at each weekly face-to-face meeting. The IntrAcc program incorporates email and phone correspondence with the NLogic coach in between the weekly meetings. There was an immediate improvement in the individual's motivation and application to her new role. It also provided a clear understanding on her role and responsibilities and the strategies to properly lead her team and improve the performance of the customer service business unit.
Mentoring & Coaching - Promotion to Senior Management Role
Client: Confidential - Available on requestIndustry: Insurance Brokerage Objective: To assist an individual secure a substantial promotion from a frontline cusomer representation role to a senior management role with one of the largest global organisations in broking and consulting services.Benefit: NLogic utilised its proven 9 - step IntrAcc Mentoring-Coaching program to work with the individual and develop and submit a proposal which specifically answered the important criteria for the role and highlighting the added value the individual would bring to the business unit. The NLogic IntrAcc program was then extended to the 4 interview stage process the individual was required to attend. This involved face-to-face time as well phone and email correspondence between the NLogic Mentor/Coach and the individual. This process involved role playing and discussions on answers to a series of likely questions. Again, the focus was to be specific around the key attributes required for the role. The individual was successful amongst a large number of applicants - some with great deal more relevant experience.